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Empathic Activator, Healer and NLP, Soul Alignment Coach, Tina Marie Presents...


Stubborn to Sovereign 


12-Week Deep Immersion to Free your Radiant Soul and let it shine like nobody's watching!


Are you stubborn and hard headed? 


Do you think it should be your way or no way? 


Have close members of your family and special people in your life told you they feel like you don't care about them? 


Do you behave in ways you wish you didn't or end up regretting and wishing you could take it back? 


This isn't your fault, you've just developed these methods of behavior because you didn't know a better way to. 


I'm here to help! 


I can teach you how to stop ✋ responding from old outdated ways of thinking and help you transform 🦋 into a new updated version of yourself! 


Loving yourself for the changes you've made in your responses to emotions and conflict and in the process growing a dynamite 💣 level of confidence and self-respect about the person you're becoming in the process…..


Imagine having open and loving communication with the love of your life, family and friends.... 


Imagine responding to your children, friends and families in ways that don't negatively effect them, while simultaneously teaching them how to love themselves and having a zero tolerance of that behavior from others…. ❤ 


What if you really, truly understood that what you believe, think, and do and what you accept from others is creating your reality? 


Think of how drastically your life will change forever!  


I'm Tina Marie and I've been there, where you are. I was on the path of self sabotage, completely unaware that my thoughts and choices were creating my own misery.  Of course at the time I blamed others but when I really understood that I was co-creating my future and no longer being a victim of old thought patterns, it changed my life forever! 


I've been on the path to self-discovery and living my soul purpose and passion for 9 years now and I've helped countless clients by completely releasing my old way of thinking and in doing so that has given me the ability to consciously create my future, stay in this moment and make aligned, mindful choices. 


I'm a better mom, daughter, sister, partner, student, friend, community member, and being on this planet because of the choices I've made. 


I've received certification after certification, taken course after course and spent countless time, energy and money learning how to do all of this and I would love to teach it to those that are ready, willing and able to receive and apply the information that I'll teach you to receive the life you deserve! 


So if you're ready to dive in on changing your life forever, then sign up below!

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What You Get...

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It's Time to design the dream life your soul craves! 

I Would Like to Invite You To...

Step into Soul Alignment and get back on track with you soul mission! 

I'm going to take you from stuck to satisfied! 

I'll give you the channeled answers you've been praying for. 

It's my honor and privilege to be of service to spirit as well as my clients and I'll guide you through 12 classes or 1 on 1 private programs, channeled homework and energy healing to the a-ha moments that will bring you back into alignment with your souls highest purpose.

All Rights Reserved © established 2022 LoveGuidesMe LLC 

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